
Friday, January 16, 2009

Awesomecon 2009?

I have to admit being Raz has not kept me in the loop. I have no idea what's going on with Tim and Eric these days. I know they're going to be in town tomorrow (live). But I'm going to be preoccupied with the Youtube Gathering in Hollywood.

I really want to find out if they're planning on doing another awesomecon this year. I know comicon is coming up in July 23rd - 26th. So I'm guessing that awesomecon will be that Saturday like it was last year. but who knows I could be completely wrong.

So if anyone finds out when and where they're holding awesomecon, let me know and I'll make sure Raz makes another apperance.

This year I want to do the whole comiccon thing as well.

Stay Strong,



Anonymous said...

But what about the hoes?

Anonymous said...

who needs the hoes